Cistern Yard Video
Cistern Yard Video is a part of the College of Charleston student media organization Cistern Yard at the College of Charleston. I became a member of this organization in 2021 and worked up to become the branch's general manager. All the videos listed are videos I directly work on and help produce while also running and managing a video team.
October Music Fest
Video covering the Cistern Yard Radio October Music Fest.
CY Newsflash: Vice President Kamala Harris’s Visit to CofC Campus
Video covering Kamala Harris’s visit to the CofC campus.
NCIFF Interviews: Elia Moutamid and Simone Brioni (Maka)
This was part of a series of interviews that we created for the Nuovo Cinema Italiano Film Festival.
CY Studio Sessions: Say Uncle
This was a video part of a series called “CY Studio Sessions” that featured the local music scene in Charleston.
Carolina Ocean Alliance Hope Summit
Video covering the 2023 Carolina Ocean Alliance Hope Summit in Charleston.
April Showers 2023
Video covering the Cistern Yard Radio October Music Fest.
2023 Halloween PSA
This video was a Halloween PSA that the College of Charleston would send to all student body for Halloween.
Local Spotlight:
This local spotlight was a part of a series that highlighted local businesses in Charleston. In this episode, we had an interview with a local vintage shop in Charleston.